
Horse lovers around the UK create photo mosaic to remember war horses

Working horse and donkey charity Brooke has released a photo mosaic of war horses, made up of 200 photos taken by horse lovers in the UK and around the world.

Released in time for 4 August, the anniversary of when Britain entered the First World War, the photos within the mosaic are from riders taking part in Brooke’s MyHackathon challenge to ride 100 miles in 100 days to raise £100. Last month, to coincide with the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme on 1 July, Brooke launched Hack to Remember day, where riders were encouraged to all go out and hack in memory of horses of the past.

The images, which were shared on Brooke’s Facebook group, make up a larger image depicting WW1 horses transporting munitions at the Western Front.

Between 1914 and 1918, eight million horses, donkeys and mules lost their lives on all sides during WW1, not only from fierce shellfire and gas attacks but also from the extreme conditions they had to endure. Unfortunately, such conditions are still a reality for many of these animals today, with over 100 million equines supporting the world’s poorest people. Brooke works with owners, communities and local governments, to make long lasting improvements to their welfare, and support their owners.

Brooke’s yearlong campaign, Every Horse Remembered, marks 100 years since the end of WW1 and highlights the heroic struggle of working horses, donkeys and mules of then and now. The charity wants to raise £1 million to honour the millions of animals lost, and save millions now and in the future.

To learn more, get your commemorative pin badge and sign up to MyHackathon, go to thebrooke.org/everyhorse<http://thebrooke.org/everyhorse>.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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