
How to Save Money on Your Business’ Electricity Bills

When it comes to running a business, ensuring that you’re not wasting unnecessary money is always a concern for any business owner. After all, it could make the difference between profit and loss – or a successful business and a failure.

Instead of cutting down on other areas of your monthly expenditure to reduce your business’ outgoings, review what you’re already spending and try and negotiate a better price. One of the easiest way to save money in your business it to consider the amount of electricity you’re using in your commercial building.

We share exactly how to save money on your business’ electricity bills and why it’s so important that you get the best possible tariff for your commercial property:

1. Turn off devices when not in use

As obvious as it may sound, turning off your devices when they’re not in use is a proven (and easy!) way to dramatically cut your business electricity bills.

Office equipment such as computers, monitors and even printers can all consume energy even in standby mode, which can lead to you paying for electricity for a device that is not needed.

Instead of trusting that your device will not rocket your electricity bills when they’re turned off, it’s best to unplug at the mains to ensure that there is no wastage. If you’re not using it, unplug it!

2. Motion-sensor lighting solutions

Often, the lighting in a commercial property is left on when it’s not needed. To prevent forgetful employees from forgetting to turn off the lights when they leave a room, you could opt for motion-sensor lighting in the rooms of your property.

This type of lighting automatically illuminates a room whenever it senses movement. So, when you walk into and out of a room with this feature, the lighting will automatically copy your actions and make sure that electricity is not being used when lighting is not required.

3. Use your initiative!

Despite being tempting to use your electricity supply to control the temperature of your office, opting for natural sources can dramatically reduce your monthly bill.

Instead of blasting the air conditioning on a hot summers day, open the windows first. Instead of heating the entire office for only two people, it may be best to purchase individual heaters that can be turned on when needed throughout the day.

4. Compare your options

If you follow the above guidelines and are still struggling to reduce your business electricity bills, it’s worth shopping around at other providers to see if you can get a cheaper tariff.

Websites like Business Electric can provide a free, no-obligation quote for your business’ needs and requirements, displaying a selection of offers from the biggest commercial electricity providers. Then, you can sort through and decide which option is best for you – at the lowest cost.

As you can see, your business doesn’t have to fork-out hundreds of pounds for electricity every month. Along with reducing your bills, you’ll also reduce wastage and help to protect the environment – it’s a win-win situation all-round.

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