
Outrage as Tory Justice Minister mocks LGBTQ+ support for Palestinians

In a speech delivered at an event in North London, Conservative minister Mike Freer has ignited controversy with comments addressing LGBTQ+ advocacy and the ongoing issue of Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

Addressing a gathering of British Jews, Freer expressed solidarity with the community, emphasising that they have allies in Parliament. He denounced what he described as “mob rule” on London streets and asserted the presence of parliamentary figures working to address societal concerns.

However, it was his remarks regarding LGBTQ+ activism in relation to Palestine that drew significant attention. “As a gay man, when I see ‘Queers for Palestine’, I say, on what planet?” Freer declared. He further offered to fund the airfare for individuals advocating for LGBTQ+ rights to march in Gaza, questioning their safety and freedom in that context.

Freer also highlighted Israel’s stance as the only country in the region to recognise and uphold rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, women, and minorities. He underscored the importance of acknowledging Israel’s efforts in promoting equality and diversity, contrasting it with what he portrayed as a lack of similar rights in Palestinian territories.

The minister continued by emphasising the need for a balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, rejecting calls for a one-sided ceasefire. He echoed sentiments previously expressed by former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, asserting that peace could only be achieved if all parties involved laid down their arms.

Freer criticised what he perceived as a disproportionate focus on certain conflicts over others, citing the disparity in global outrage between incidents such as the kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls by Boko Haram and the abduction of Israelis by Hamas.

In concluding his speech, Freer reiterated his call for the safe return of all Israeli hostages held by Hamas, emphasising the importance of continued advocacy and action on the issue.

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