
‘A hit for taxpayers’: Sunak plans to chuck another £15 million at Rwanda plan

Rishi Sunak has been accused of ‘chasing gimmicks’, after it was reported that the Prime Minister was looking to seal his ‘Plan B’ deal for the Rwanda migration scheme by throwing more cash at the beleaguered policy.

Rwanda plan set for cash injection

The plot to send asylum seekers reaching the UK to Rwanda as a deterrent has failed to get off the ground, in both a literal and figurative sent. Over £140 million has been spent on the plan already. Yet not a single migrant has been put on a plane to the African nation.

There have been few political policies in recent that has caused as much outrage and ire as these. Even some of those who support the idea have been left frustrated at the inaction that has surrounded these non-existent deportations.

Now, The Times report, Sunak is gearing up to chuck more money at the problem. It’s understood that Home Secretary James Cleverly is due in Rwanda this week, and there will be a push to table emergency legislation on the matter within the next few days.

What will the extra money be spent on?

The £15 million add-on will allegedly pay for extra personnel to improve and expand the Rwandan asylum processing system. However, it’s believed that some senior Tories – including Justice Minister Alex Chalk – won’t support these fast-tracked laws.

With the UK Supreme Court ruling against the Rwanda plan last month, there are fears amongst moderates in government that finding a way to bypass the verdict would put Britain at odds with its international commitments.

‘Failed Rwanda scheme is taxpayers paying for Tory chaos’ – Yvette Cooper

Yvette Cooper, the shadow Home Secretary, has made her feelings clear this weekend. She lamented the fact that taxpayers will be footing for the bill for a ‘failed scheme’, saying that Sunak is unable to ‘get a grip’ while leading the country.

“News that at least £15 million more will be sent to Rwanda, on top of £140 million sent in 2022. All for a failed scheme. Taypayers are being hit yet again for Tory chaos, because Sunak keeps chasing gimmicks instead of getting a grip.” | Yvette Cooper

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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