
Did the Queen wade into the Brexit debate?

In a speech yesterday the Queen made a series of comments that appear to refer to Brexit.

She asked for people to find “common ground” and to respect “different points of view”.

The Head of state said: “The continued emphasis on patience, friendship, a strong community focus, and considering the needs of others, are as important today as they were when the group was founded all those years ago.

“Of course, every generation faces fresh challenges and opportunities.

“As we look for new answers in the modern age, I for one prefer the tried and tested recipes, like speaking well of each other and respecting different points of view; coming together to seek out the common ground; and never losing sight of the bigger picture.”

She said these approaches were “timeless, and I commend them to everyone”.

BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said there was little doubt the Queen was “sending a message”.

Witchell said: “It is impossible to imagine that the head of state would use a construction of words such as this without it being appreciated that they would be seen as a reference to the current political debate.”




Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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