
UK Weather forecast, Thursday 22 July 2021

Your daily weather forecast for the UK and London.

UK Overview for Thursday 22 July 2021

Another hot and sunny day for most with cloud clearing much of the north, the far north staying cloudier. Perhaps a few showers developing in central parts by day.

Outlook for Friday to Sunday:

Dry and sunny for most Friday, remaining hot in the west with isolated showers. Rain and heavy showers spreading across southern regions through Saturday and Sunday. The north remaining fine.

London Weather forecast for today:

Mostly dry with long sunny periods, and just the outside chance of a shower in the west. Western parts hot again, but cooler in coastal areas with onshore breezes. Maximum temperature 30 °C.

Special weather advisories:

Flood alerts in force for England.

UVB sunburn index:


UK Weather Warnings:


Chance of precipitation:


Outlook for Friday to Sunday:

Hazy sunshine on Friday but breezier and less warm, and with some thundery rain spreading north in the evening. Saturday and Sunday cooler with showers, these locally heavy and thundery.

Weather forecast data provided by the Met Office.

The UK Met Office provide weather and climate forecasts to help with those decisions so people can be safe, wel and prosperous so that every single day, people can make decisions based on the weather.

Met Office are people behind the weather forecasts that feature on TV, online and on your phone in the UK.

They are also trusted to help protect UK armed forces as they plan missions around the weather; and to keep technology safe with our space weather forecasts.

They help the UK and other economies prosper. For example, they advise energy and retail sectors of weather that might affect consumer trends. They also help airlines reduce costs, and run safely and on schedule.

For a detailed forecast of your area, go to

Interested in seeing the lucky numbers and horoscopes for the day, see them here.

UK Weather

Weather data provided by the Met Office. The Met Office is the national meteorological service for the UK. We provide critical weather services and world-leading climate science, helping you make better decisions to stay safe and thrive.

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