Categories: Lifestyle

People who live with their parents and drink heavily revealed to be the most eligible daters online

People who live at home with their parents and drink heavily have been revealed to be the most eligible daters online. 

According to new research honesty is one of the most attractive traits when it comes to online dating, with those boasting polished profiles and sculpted abs most likely to miss out. 

‘Living with parents’ and ‘heavy drinker’ came out as the most right-swiped on Badoo’s new profile badges feature. 

Analysing 5,000 users the dating site found people who reveal niche information about themselves such as whether they want children someday were more popular than those who didn’t.

This chimes with the guidance of Badoo’s relationship psychologist, Clare Stott, who believes that the masses are not interested in dating someone who appears perfect.

She said: “Showcasing what makes you unique pays off in online dating. 

“Quite often, the personal things that we leave off our profiles are the exact things that are most endearing and memorable about us. 

“Research shows that being honest – and polarising – in dating is beneficial because the people who then like you will *really* like you, which is better than having someone who is only half-interested in a ‘softened’ version of you.”

Interestingly, female users who claimed to have or want children someday were the most right-swiped, whereas male users who claimed to not want children were top of the list. 

Heavy drinkers were also the most-right swiped for both genders compared to non-drinkers.

Although users living with parents came out as the most popular badge for both genders, this could be because the people analysed were between the ages of 18-35. 

Not only proving that living at home is a common occurrence amongst millennials, but also not a deal breaker when it comes to dating.

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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