If it’s good enough for Vorderman… Meet the celebrity women who are ageing backwards

By Laura Casewell

As the editor of an aesthetics magazine, I spend a fair few hours a week scouring the internet news sites familiarising myself with what the rich and famous are up to. Whether it’s the latest makeup trends or hair styles, I like to keep up with what’s ‘hot or not’ for our readers. I enjoy checking out the latest red carpet events and seeing what my favourite female stars are wearing and how they’re looking; specifically I keep an eye out for any signs of nips and tucks.

A self-confessed celeb gossip junky, it will come as little surprise to anyone reading this that I often check out these photo-filled online features looking for any celebs looking suspiciously youthful; a relatively non-taxing task  when it comes U.S female celebrities, I admit. This weekend was no exception, but as I trawled my usual online haunts on my iPad, skimming various articles, I was drawn to several UK celebrities; frankly, they left me perplexed. With their frown-free foreheads, honed figures and seemingly ageless appearance it left me wondering how these ladies could look so youthful despite being in their late forties and beyond. After discounting the likelihood of them being vampires – stranger things have happened in La La Land! – one can only assume they must be getting a little help from the experts to age backwards.

Take TV presenter Carol Vorderman; at 54 she’s far from your average fifty-something. The Loose Women star was papped last week looking stunning in a form-fitting canary yellow dress, and as she smiled broadly for the awaiting photographers her radiant complexion and wrinkle-free skin was both envy-inducing and slightly hard to believe. Looking at photos of Carol in her thirties and forties, it’s hard to see how she can look younger today than decades ago without the help of some advanced treatments. Of course, not even celebrities can really age backwards (no, not even pop pixie Kylie!) so how are these fabulous, successful women in their late forties, fifties and beyond maintaining their insanely youthful appearances? According to anti-ageing expert Dr. Sarah Tonks – a trusted cosmetic doctor I have watched firsthand perform non-surgical rejuvenation treatments – the answer likely lies in clever injectables and skin peels.

“Looking at the recent press shots of Carol, it’s clear to see she’s dabbled with anti-ageing treatments – no woman can look as youthful as she does at 54 without a little extra help, I’d say. At the very least she’s definitely had Botox and dermal fillers to ease fine lines and wrinkles and stop more forming. To be fair, the work she’s had has been done very well, and that’s how it should be. Subtle but effective – it leaves you asking IF she’s perhaps had treatment, not guessing WHAT she’s had done,” Dr Tonks explains.

“In my experience, a woman in her fifties would need to be having regular skin peels and be investing heavily is cosmeceutical grade skincare to keep a complexion as fresh and radiant as Carol’s.”

So what’s the cost of ageing backwards? Well, if you’re hoping to copy your favourite star be prepared to pay handsomely for it. Initial treatments like these can cost anything from £250 a pop and upkeep can set you back anything up to £10,000 per year; hardly matching your average tub of face cream from Superdrug unfortunately. But the good news is there are some basic but often overlooked tips you can follow if you’re keen to maintain your youthful glow that won’t break the bank. I always explain to our readers the importance of getting the basics right – then focusing on your skincare and so on. Make sure you keep your skin hydrated by drinking 1.5-2 litres of water every day, and let your skin breathe by ensuring you always remove your makeup with a gentle cleanser at night. It’s also important to help your skin from the inside out; ditch refined sugar and cigarettes (both of which age you drastically), reduce how much alcohol you drink (it’s seriously bad news for dehydrated skin!) and eat a balanced diet, rich in protein and green vegetables.

If you do decide you want to follow in the footsteps of famous faces and try injectables like dermal fillers and muscle relaxing injections (Botox to most of us) make sure you do your research and undergo your treatment with a reputable and experienced practitioner. You get what you pay for, so if you let a mobile beautician inject your face with chemicals for a tenner don’t expect great results. Experts are experts for a reason – put your faith in someone that truly understands facial anatomy and how to use injectables effectively and responsibly. Be safe; be informed.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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