Categories: Health

Top Ten Tips To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Getting a better night’s rest is not easy, and finding ways to improve your sleep can be just as daunting. Many people suffer from a lack of sleep nowadays, which leads to all kinds of problems that people may not really know about.

For starters, sleep requires us to have a calm and peaceful environment, which is sometimes hard to get at times. Sleep deprivation can come from many different sources, some of which are easier to spot than others.

When we do not get enough sleep, we tend to be even more prone to lots of health problems, which could add a lot of stress to our already busy lives.

Because of this, sleepers should be even more aware of just how sleep deprivation may be affecting their lives. We have compiled a list of the top ten steps to get better sleep, which should hopefully help you to get your night’s rest back on track.

10. Adjust your circadian rhythm to daylight and nighttime

This one is a bit tricky, as it requires a good amount of labor on your part, but it should help you immensely in the long run. The way it works is that usually our circadian rhythm is based on exposure to light of all kinds, even blue light from our electronics.

Our bodies are normally used to darkness being equated with nighttime and thus sleep, while daylight is associated with work hours and being awake. However, this can be disrupted through a variety of ways.

For starters, if you tend to sleep during the day or in an area with lots of light, that might confuse your body even further and reduce the amount of sleep that you get in any given day. When that happens, our bodies may go to bed at irregular hours, giving us much less energy for our daily lives.

Statistics show that sleep problems are a global problem, meaning that people regularly get exhausted during the day from a lack of sleep. You can help fix this by sleeping in dark spaces or during the night. Try not to be exposed to too much light before you sleep, as this could throw off your schedule

9. Moderate your sugar and caffeine intake

This one might be a bit obvious, but it can be very effective. Sugar and caffeine both work together to keep you from sleeping, as they are both considered stimulants, they can have negative side effects on sleep. They might keep you up throughout the night, have you tossing and turning, or just make the quality of your sleep poorer.

You can help this by quitting the caffeine and sugar a few hours before bed. If you absolutely have to use caffeine to stay up, you should do it in moderation.

8. Exercise more, eat healthier

Exercise can work wonders on our overall health and well-being. It gets our blood flowing more effectively and can really help to keep our muscles limber. It can also improve your sleep by reducing anxiety and calming the body. This could also help to retrain the circadian rhythm.

A better diet as well is key, as eating the right foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and so on can help our digestive systems and make our sleep even deeper.

7. Sleep in a cool and quiet environment

As said earlier, sleeping somewhere cool and quiet can also help our sleep. When we’re in noisy places or do not have enough silence, that can without a doubt have an impact on just how much sleep we get.

Be sure to set the thermostat to an appropriate degree and also maybe invest in some ambient sound machines or apps or some earplugs. Anything that gives you more silence is key.

6. Do not use electronics and social media before bed

These can really damage your sleep if you are not too careful. Be sure to turn off all devices at least an hour before bed and avoid social media around bedtime. As already noted, the blue light from electronics can ruin your sleep by disrupting your body’s natural circadian rhythm. Blue light filters and blue light blocking glasses may also help to reduce these effects.

5. Get a better mattress

Sometimes your mattress is at fault. You might want to check and see if yours is performing up to snuff, as a bad mattress can definitely ruin sleep. Be sure to do research to determine which is right for you based on your preferences and health needs.

4. Do not eat so much near bedtime

Going to bed on a very full stomach might disrupt sleep or make you get up often throughout the night. Foods that are high in sugar could have a stimulating effect, while heavy meals may leave you uncomfortable when trying to rest. You should give your body enough time for digestion before lying down, or eat light and healthy meals if needed.

3. Check in with a medical professional

If you are unsure where to start, you can always ask your doctor for advice. They will know what will be best for your sleep schedule and can give you proper guidance to ensure your journey to better sleep is a healthy one.

2. Can’t sleep? Stay up for a little bit

If you absolutely cannot sleep, you might want to get up and stay awake for a while. This can help calm your mind a bit and maybe make your body more tired and ready for bed. When we lie awake in our bedroom we are training ourselves to look at our beds as for more than just sleeping. Removing yourself from the area retains the purpose of the bed.

1. Get sleep accessories

Investing in some sleep accessories could definitely help you get more rest. Things like white noise machines or sleeping masks could go a long way in improving rest. Some apps now focus on expert-approved Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to reinforce useful sleep routines. Check to see if there is a device that caters to your specific needs. Odds are, there is!


Sleep deprivation can be tough to defeat, but with a little know-how, anyone can do it. Hopefully, this guide has helped you in giving you a few tips on what to do when you cannot get good sleep. You should be well on your way to a better night’s rest.

Jess Young

Jess is a writer at the UK's largest independent press agency SWNS. She runs women's real-life magazine, as well as contributing articles and features to all of the major titles and digital publications.

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