
How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey?

How much does a hair transplant cost in Turkey?

Surprisingly enough, the cost of hair transplant in Turkey is affordable. Hair transplant prices in Turkey are around €2000 to €3000. This is a relatively cheaper cost for hair transplant both by the average and considering the all-inclusivity of treatment packages.

The price for hair loss treatment in Turkey is affected by several factors. The treatment packages come at different prices thanks to the variety of services offered. A maximum number of healthy grafts are considered here per session. Finally, low labour costs and the purchasing power of the local currency have an effect on the hair transplant costs in Turkey.

What is included in the hair transplant costs in Turkey?

Normally, hair transplant in the UK costs around €15.000 to €20.000. These prices usually include the treatment only. Besides, this price is evaluated per the graft number. However, clinics in Turkey offer all-inclusive treatment packages that offer personalised treatment plans according to the patient’s specific medical needs, customer experience personnel, on-site translation services, high-class accommodation at 4 to 5-star hotels, VIP car transfers, year-long follow-up procedures.

Low hair transplant costs in Turkey should not misguide the candidates. Low prices are not equal to low quality. Hair transplant prices in Turkey are low because of the cheaper labour costs compared to other countries, and other economic factors.

Choosing the Right Hair Loss Treatment

In addition to the above-stated factors, the cost of hair transplant in Turkey is also determined by the number of grafts the patient needs for implantation. The right number of hair follicle grafts must be consulted with a surgeon. That’s the reason why you should always double-check the reputation of the clinic. Eventually, your clinic is the one who offers hair transplant procedures by a surgeon. 

A good clinic for a hair transplant in Turkey is the one that puts patients’ needs above anything else. Although it is hard to pinpoint the exact number of grafts a patient needs, your clinic will help you consult with a surgeon. The surgeon here will quote you the most appropriate number of grafts, and the exact numbers may be better determined during the procedure.

MCAN Health, a medical travel and assistance company in Istanbul, offers a free guide to hair transplant in Turkey. This guide also informs the hair transplant candidates about every detail about the operation, starting from the first contact point to the post operative actions. In this way, they guide you to the right treatment. They also created a graft calculator for hair transplant. It is a tool that helps you gain a rough idea on the number of grafts you may need.

Sarah Smith

Sarah is a writer and guest blogger. Her work is regularly published in the national press and on many popular websites and blogs, including Huff Post and TheLondonEconomic.

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