Categories: BeautyLifestyle

A New Dawn, A New Day, A New Face

It’s estimated that we touch our face around 3000 times a day.

With that staggering figure in mind, it’s no wonder that the first thing we obsess about is any irregularity in our boat race: blemish, bags, dry skin and those dreaded wrinkles.

While our dirty mitts could be the reason behind our blemishes, ageing and hydration play a major factor in blame for the rest.

Of course there are a wealth of products on the market that will claim to hold the secret: miracle anti-ageing cream. Turn back the clock.

But do they work or is it just too late?

This was the quest I set out on. Somewhat sceptical, but hopeful for my future face.

“A good morning and night cream. That’s the key.” My mum shouted down the phone as I ran for the tube.

For a lady over 55 with amazing skin, it was advice that I couldn’t ignore.

But I couldn’t help think it might just be our DNA, rather than the creams we bleed our pockets for.

Perhaps like hereditary hair loss, it’s just a little out of our control?


Botox and invasive procedures aside, I was keen to discover if there were any other routes which actually worked.

“Have you ever thought of freezing your face?” My colleague said to me.

I tried to not take the harsh suggestion personally.

But face freezing was something I’d never heard of, let alone considered.

After a stint of research (yes I Googled) it turns out that face freezing wasn’t really freezing at all.

Venus Freeze aims to reduce fine lines and signs of ageing by encouraging collagen back to the surface of our skin, using warming magnets.

With every year we age our collagen levels decrease, hence the fact that we show signs of ageing. Depressing fact.

Venus Freeze delivers Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields to the skin in an attempt to increase collagen synthesis without any pain. Or needles. I hate needles.

I wasn’t sure if it would work, but in the spirit of my quest, I signed up to a session.

And with the drop in temperature, hats and scarfs ready, the need for anti-ageing assistance couldn’t be greater.

Cold weather drastically affects the skin due to the dry winter air, sucking out the moisture from our frozen faces.

So off I trotted to a trendy Sloane Square salon Neville’s. Wrapped up and ready.

Greeted by warmth, friendly staff and a much needed rehydration water, I peeled off my ten layers.

Promptly I was welcomed by Hasti Parangi and taken down to a tranquil room, where I proceeded to sign my life away.

“Should I be nervous?”

“No,” she laughed shaking her head, “You’ll become addicted to this.”

As soothing music played she began by giving me a facial.

She told me that a deep cleansing facial is something that should be done once a month. It was crucial to promoting a healthy glow and anti-ageing.

Well, that was the first area where I was going wrong.

It had been over a year since my last and apparently, she could tell.

After de-black heading and soothing my skin, I was finally ready for the Venus Freeze.

Firing up a machine that let out a low humming noise, she informed me that I might feel warmth, but it wouldn’t hurt.

A spark pounced onto my skin and the procedure began.

The heat was a sudden surprise, but a bearable temperature that became strangely welcome.

I tried to ignore the fear of a hot electronic device rolling directly onto my skin and relax into the treatment.

Before I knew it 40 minutes had passed and the Venus Freeze sounded off.

Hasti held a mirror up and asked me how I felt.

Honestly, I’d been nervous the whole time.

But after seeing my flushed glow I realised my face wasn’t burnt like I had feared.

Instead there was a healthy colour and an all over plump feeling.

The experience had been both relaxing and stimulating at the same time.

I thanked the staff and wrapped back up.

As the cold winter air hit my ‘new’ face, I smile and of course took a selfie.

They advise a course of six sessions, but after one I could already notice the lift and freshness.

Beauty is undoubtedly in the eye of the beholder, but it’s nice to see a glimmer of it in yourself.

I can’t wait for the next session, maybe we can save face.

Or perhaps it’s actually never too late and like life itself, we grow with our faces… lines and all.

Dan Harding

Daniel is broadcast editor at Talk to the Press and creative advisor at SWNS. With a background in magazine journalism and publicity, Daniel has worked for a press agency for over five years. Working on large scale publicity campaigns, Daniel has worked on positive brand exposure for the likes of L’Oréal, ITV, Toni and Guy to name a few, before turning his concentration to real life people and their stories. Daniel now regularly contributes his stories to the national press, magazines and on daytime TV shows like This Morning. Pouring heart and soul into each story, Daniel carries out each one with detail and passion. When he isn’t tapping away at his keyboard furiously or making a lemon water, Daniel likes to talk… all the time!

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