
“A beauty treatment Kim Kardashian swears by” Olaplex at Muse of London

When there’s a beauty treatment Kim Kardashian swears by, it’s not long until the rest of the world follows.

The reality star has been known to change her hair colour from black to platinum blonde – and back again.

Despite the damaging changes her luscious locks always look glorious and shiny.

But HOW does she do it?

Step in Olaplex, the biggest innovation to the hair industry in years.

It’s not actually a treatment perse, it’s a technology that permanently rebuilds damaged bonds in your hair that are broken down when it’s dyed. Wow.

Kim K swears by the treatment, so should we all be using it when we go for a colour?

I went to try it out at Muse of London, a hair salon famous for its bold hair colour transformations.

Scrolling through their Instagram page, I am in awe of the incredible colour changes, with bright purple, blues and even rainbow hair colours.

These drastic styles can take a lot of work, and can damage your hair to no end.

Thankfully, they offer the Olaplex service, which helps repair this damage as it’s being done.

Arriving in the salon, I was welcomed in by their friendly team.

Muse of London is based just off Oxford Street and happily take drop ins, perfect if you’re up for a spontaneous change.

My colourist immediately sat me down and assessed my dried out locks.

I wanted a balayage – too afraid of anything more adventurous!

“Olaplex is really important for hair like yours,” she tells me.

I have always struggled with straw-like hair, made worse by constant bleaching.

While my hair feels and looks lush for the first couple of days after a colour – as soon as I wash it, generally it’s back to frizzy.

The magic of Olaplex starts with the dying process.

It is mixed in with the dye and then applied to the hair.

While the hair is coloured, the bonds that keep it strong and healthy effectively break.

By mixing in the treatment, Olaplex reconnects the broken bonds during that process.

There are three steps to it – one in the colour, a treatment after the colouring process is finished and a bottle to take home and do yourself once a week. 

I loved the personal touch of this – as opposed to being tossed from person to person and pillar to post like I have at other salons.

And as my hair was being dried, I could finally see the beautiful colour coming out.

It was clear that the effect of my stylists incredible colouring skills – paired with the Olaplex – my hair was looking healthier and the colour more vibrant than ever before.

I left Muse of London feeling delighted with my new colour.

Kim K is definitely onto something with the Olaplex treatment, and having seen the results I feel confident that anyone dying their hair blonde should give it a go.

What’s more I’ve found a salon that suits me – and it’s safe to say I will be returning!

Colouring at Muse starts from £99 and Olaplex treatments from £39.

 Visit their website for more information:


Courtney Greatrex

Courtney is the Deputy of Editor at national press agency Talk to the Press. She supplies news stories and features to the national papers. She also contributes features, travel pieces and furious comment pieces about George Osborne for the London Economic. Courtney studied Media and Communication at Goldsmiths.

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