
Top 5 Literary Podcasts!

1.Book Fight with Tom McAllister and Mike Ingram

Writers Tom and Mike have come to feel like friends, we drink beer together, I listen to them ramble, sometimes about books and literary movements, but other times about Philadelphia, poptarts, the state of America, racoons and a baby detective who wears a denim diaper (in-joke). An irreverent mix of pop culture, politics, literary gossip and serious book reviewing.

2. The Moth
The top pick, as voted by judges from within the Moth live audience, of 5 minute life stories make it to the podcast. Stories are restricted only by theme, (a different one at each Moth gathering), length and the truth. The Moth now it’s 20th year has re-invigorated the art of personal, public tale-telling, expect a funny, tender and surprising listen.

3. Shakespeare and Company Podcast

Impressive line-up of readings direct from the iconic left-bank bookstore. Recent highlights include George Saunders on Lincoln in the Bardo and Sara Pascoe on Animal, The Autobiography of a Female Body.

4. The Book Review Podcast from The New York Times

Newly released critically appraised and popular works of fiction and non-fiction reviewed. High calibre authors are interviewed, interview each other and have their latest books scrutinised by Pamela Paul and her team. My recent favorite episodes include Jhumpa Lahiri talking to Domencio Starnone, David Sedaris’s Diaries review and the discussion of Peter Godfrey-Smith’s book which posits that octopuses are aliens.

5. OTHERPPL with Brad Listi

A weekly podcast featuring in-depth interviews with contemporary authors, from the indie and emerging to big hitters like Hanya Yanigihara of A Little Life fame. This is a writer, (Listi published Attention. Deficit. Disorder : A Novel in 2006), talking to writers podcast.

Emma Silverthorn

English tutor and writer. Currently writing a biography of Anna & Peter Roberts founders of charity Compassion in World Farming. Editor of the Arts Pages of The London Economic. Follow @TLE_Arts and @HouseOf_Gazelle.