
PLAYLIST: Best of JUNE 2019

Look at the weather forecast. Look outside. Good grief, July needs to take a breath and just calm down with this flaming heat.

Remember lovely June, all those weeks ago, with its comfortable warmth (ish) and wealth of delicious bangers. Just look at our latest playlist; a sizzling summer feast. Though this week’s cover art, courtesy of the smashing new joint from Mannequin Pussy, shows a world literally ablaze, so maybe not that hot.

Where to start? I’d pick The Black Keys, who returned with the on-the-nose “Let’s Rock”, a collection of addictive rock ‘n’ roll tunes for your dad (except your dad is very cool).

Thom Yorke is back being all critically acclaimed, as is moody button pusher Burial, who is still keeping things delightfully turn-of-the-millennium. Never change.

Then to close, you’ve got the aggiest run of boxfresh Metz, Gulch and Tropical Fuck Storm, so good luck getting the grot out of your earholes after that, too.

Cover image: Mannequin Pussy – Patience

Grant Bailey

Grant is the music editor at the London Economic. Send horrid riffs.

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