
Liz Truss mercilessly mocked over title of her new book

Think of the least self-aware person you’ve ever met. Whoever they are, it’s likely they can’t hold a candle to Liz Truss. The 49-day Prime Minister has announced her new book will be published next year – and the title has dropped jaws up and down the land.

Liz Truss has a new book coming out – and the title is unbelievable

Taking to her Twitter account – and penning an article for the Mail on Sunday – the shortest-serving PM in British history says the book will set out ways to counter ‘disastrous ideas of the global left’, and tackle the rise of totalitarianism across the world.

So, what did the woman outlasted by a lettuce call this publication? Ten Years To Save The West

Ten Years To Save The West? It’s not going down well

The jokes write themselves on this one. The very notion of someone who lasted seven weeks in office setting out a ten-year blueprint to ‘save the west’ is laughable. One of her key revelations is that the Republicans need to be elected back into the White House.

This, despite most frontline Republicans largely disagreeing with her foreign policy position on Russia and Ukraine. It’s likely we can expect more confusing sentiments when the title goes to print in 2024 – assuming it doesn’t get immediately pulped, anyway.

Has Liz Truss learned anything from her chastening experiences? It doesn’t seem like it. She said of her upcoming release:

 “After more than ten years as a government minister, I’ve seen the threats posed to global democracy. Across the free world, we face massive, unaccountable administrative states and complacent political establishments putting the brakes on economic growth.”

“I want to share the lessons from my experience in government and demonstrate that we have stark choices to make if we wish to avoid a managed decline of the Western architecture that has presided over generations of relative peace and prosperity.” | Liz Truss

Liz Truss annihilated by critics

Andrew Neil led the bemused reactions, and his three word summary echoes the sentiments of millions. The veteran broadcaster simply Tweeted; ‘words fail me’. Other prominent figures, however, noted the sheer brass-neckery of her chosen title…

  • “To think of the damage this person managed to do in 49 days in office. In 10 years, she could destroy the entire world.” | Tim Walker
  • “That’s nine years and forty-six weeks longer than it took you to trash your party and destroy our economy!” | Damian Barr
  • “She destroyed the UK economy in six weeks – imagine what she could do with 10 years!” | Liam Thorp

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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