Categories: Lifestyle

Pelvic Foor-ed: Study Shows How Clueless British Blokes Are About their Partner’s Health

What in god’s name is a pelvic floor?

Is that some sort of new dance move I’m not aware of? Is it a brand of kitchen tiling? Sanitary products?

If you like me wouldn’t know where to start when it comes to terms such as pelvic floor and Kegal, and if you think mapping out a woman’s ‘time of the month’ is like deconstructing the fibonacci code then don’t worry. You’re not alone.

A new study has revealed four in ten men admit they have no understanding about health issues their wife or girlfriend may face, and almost a quarter of men have “no idea” what a pelvic floor is or does – one in twenty believe it’s another name for your pelvis while some clueless men even think it’s a new ‘twerking-style’ dance move.

Men are also stumped when it comes to the length of the average period and believe a ‘Kegel’ is a new gym fad or a body part rather than an exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor.

But the research, by pelvic floor experts INNOVO to mark National Pelvic Floor Week, found that a lack of knowledge has led to one in four women being on the receiving end of an insulting or funny comment from a man.

One female respondent even told how her partner thought women only got their periods during a full moon.

Jane Wake, women’s health and fitness expert, said: “Intimate health issues can be a difficult subject for many to discuss and men may well feel it’s something they don’t need, or want to know.

“But this lack of knowledge could be causing them to make mistakes, or not offer a partner the support they need.

“It may be funny to think men have no idea what a pelvic floor is or does, but it’s a subject which needs to be taken seriously – especially as men also have a pelvic floor, and can suffer the same problems as women.

“For men and women, it can be embarrassing to discuss your private health concerns with someone of the opposite sex, even if it is your own partner.

“But by being as open as possible with each other, it will gradually break down the taboo and mean people suffering from intimate health problems may feel less alone and more supported.”


Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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