Categories: Lifestyle

New Professions on the Rise: your Office is where your Laptop is

The world of work is evolving and changing all the time. Go back a decade and you worked from the office. Now you go where the work is, taking your office equipment with you. If you work remotely and or from multiple locations you will need not only the right equipment but you will need to project the right image. Even if you don’t meet clients in person the chances are they will see you on Skype and you only have the one chance to make the right impression.

Let’s take a closer look at how to adopt a remote working mindset.

Look the Part

Yes, you can work from home in your pyjamas but this is not a good idea for a number of reasons. If you take a Skype call most of your clients and bosses want you to look the part. It is not a very professional look to take a call in sleepwear. You do not have to be suited and booted or in a tailored business suit, but you want to appear presentable. If you would be comfortable meeting a client in your attire then you are on the right lines.

Moreover, this helps to generate the right mindset. Yes, you are working from home but you are still working. You still need to get the work done and be professional. Dress for success as they say.

Protect your Equipment

When working and travelling and indeed when your equipment is not in use ensure it is protected. It is worth the investment in quality protective leather cases such as those offered by Harber London. This will not only give your laptops, tablets, and phones good protection, but you will also convey the right image which is essential to conducting good business.

Remember, when you meet a client the first impression is so important. Looking the part in every aspect of your dress is important and as discussed will help you get into the right mindset to negotiate and present your offering for maximum impact.

Also, your laptop, tablet, etc are the tools of your trade. Should they become damaged this will not only cause unnecessary headaches but will damage your reputation if you miss deadlines as a result.

Keep an Eye on Security

Security is two-fold for remote working. If you are working from a coffee shop or anywhere with public wifi often your equipment is vulnerable to a cyber attack. Ensure you invest in good quality antivirus software and that you avoid accessing sensitive information you are storing when working in a public space. You can’t be too careful in this regard.

Also, if you’re in a public place your equipment is vulnerable to theft. Bear this in mind when out and about.

Work is evolving and becoming more flexible and exciting. If you can find your groove you will have a far more rewarding career working remotely rather than being chained to an office day in day out. Just ensure you keep the professional mindset so you always bring your best work to the table.

Sarah Smith

Sarah is a writer and guest blogger. Her work is regularly published in the national press and on many popular websites and blogs, including Huff Post and TheLondonEconomic.

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